
The Volunteer Guide for 2023 is posted.
We could not have a race without the help of our amazing volunteers! Jobs to sign up for include aid stations, finish line, first aid (usually along with aid station assistance), package pickup, and sweeping the course.  Also, before the race, some jobs include flagging, supply drops and water drops to the remote hike in aid stations as well as trail maintenance.  Work on race weekend is typically done in shifts. If volunteering, you will receive a final email with details about locations and times. Please send us an email with the days you can be here and what you would like to do, and we will plug you in!

Volunteer Jobs

Below is a general idea of some of the roles needed to make the weekend a success. 

Shawatum Aid Station (check out outhouse post it notes!)

Aid Stations

Set up and run aid stations.  Cook food, feed and care for racers, record timing of racers in and out of the aid station, take dropped racers back to the finis line.  Some aid stations are easy road access, and some are remote or hike-in only.  Feel free to dress up, decorate, and make your aid station a party!
  Karen and Linda work some magic at the BBQ

Finish Line

Volunteers needed for timing, racer care, shuttle rides, general hosting, as well as cooking finish line food.
  Cascade Aid Station

Medical/First Aid

Provide first aid at aid stations and finish line.
Must hold valid certification.

Package Pickup in Tamarack Room, Manning Park Resort

Package Pickup

Hand out race packages and bibs, check emergency contacts and help collect and organize drop bags.

  Many scenic locations available.


Help mark the course in the 1-2 weeks before the race.
  Heather Trail from Blackwall Peak


Follow last racers and remove flagging as you go.  Ensure racers at the back of the pack are ok, and offer assistance as needed.


Jobs and Times for 2023 Route

Aid Stations

Aid Station Start End Notes
Cathedral Thurs 11:30 am Fri 1:15 pm Ride up private road arranged in advance. FULL
Ashnola River (Wall Creek Bridge) Fri 1 pm Fri 4 pm Drive 50 km from Hwy 3 turnoff on Ashnola River road, near Keremeos.
Trapper Fri 2 pm Fri 6:00 pm 4-wheel drive is best, or vehicle with high clearance.
Calcite Fri 4:30 pm Fri 10 pm 4-wheel drive is best, or vehicle with high clearance.
Pasayten River Fri 5 pm Sat 12 am Access from Hwy 3.
Bonnevier Fri 5:30 pm Sat 1:30 am Access from Hwy 3.
Heather Fri 8:30 pm Sat 5 am Remote. Hike in 7 km from Blackwall Peak.
Nicomen Lake Fri 11:30 pm Sat 9 pm Remote. Hike in 22 km from Blackwall Peak.
Cayuse Flats Sat 7 am Sat 12 noon Access from Hwy 3.
Grainger Creek Sat 12:15 am Sat 2:30 pm Remote.  Hike in from Hwy. 3,  7km
Hope Pass Sat 1:45 am  Sat 6 pm Access off of Whipsaw Creek FSR
Blackwall Sat 6:45 am Sun 4:30 am Access via Blackwall Peak Rd across from Manning Resort
Windy Joe's Sat 7:45 am Sun 6 am Access along Gibson Pass Rd
Strawberry Flats Sat 8 am  Sun 7:30 am  Access along Gibson Pass Rd
Finish Line  Sat 10 am  Sun 10 am Lightning Lake Day Use Area, Manning Park

Course Sweeps

Leg Start Distance Notes
Cathedral 10:00 am Fri  29 km Start line to Ashnola Aid Station. 
 Trapper 16:30 pm Fri  35 km Ashnola to Bonnevier. 
 Bonnevier 1:30 am Sat  19 km + 6 km Bonnevier to Heather plus exit to parking lot at Blackwall Peak.
 Heather 7:00 am Sat  46 km Blackwall Peak to Cascade Rest Area
Hope Pass 10:30 am Sat  25 km Cascade Rest Area to Hope Pass Aid Station 
 Nicomen Lake Trail to     Blackwall
  Hope Pass Aid Station to Blackwall Aid Station 

Package Pickup

Location Day Times Notes
Manning Park Resort Thursday,  Aug 10  10 am -3 pm Cascade Room, Manning Park Resort
Manning Park Resort Friday,  Aug 11 2-7 pm Cascade Room, Manning Park Resort


Please send us an email.

Volunteer Guide

Check out our Volunteer Guide for more information. 


Volunteer Accommodations

Free camping for volunteers is available at Headwaters Corral (Manning Park Resort)!

"Absolutely everything about the race is wonderful. The volunteers are concerned about each of us and pamper us along the way. The supplies at all of the aid stations were over the top. The flagging was absolutely perfect!!! I never had a moment of confusion, which for me is saying much. The trails were absolutely stunning. Miles and miles of beautiful bouquets of flowers. I was in heaven and could not get the stupid smile off of my face. You and all of the volunteers love this place and it shows with all of the care that is given. This race is most certainly my all time favourite and I am looking forward to coming back next year with more friends to show off why I love this race so much."            - Previous racer