Race Guide
The 2023 Racer Guide (120 Mile Cathedral Route) is available for reference. 2025 Racer Guide will be available two months before race date. Please read it and make sure you are familiar with all the information it contains. Additionally, Aid Station Menus from 2024 are available for preview.
Crew Driving Instructions
Please note that there is no overnight parking at ANY aid station. No camping in vehicles is permitted in parking areas or along roadways including the finish line area. If you wish to camp, please do so in designated campgrounds. Failure to respect this jeopardizes our ability to secure permits in the future, and thus is grounds for potential disqualification of you or your racer. Please respect the policy of one crew vehicle per racer, and have your vehicle dashboard sign (given to racers at package pick-up) in place. Due to limited space, please no RV's or trailers at start line or aid station locations.
120 Mile Start Line
Driving Directions to Lakeview Trail Head, Cathedral Provincial Park. Please park along Ashnola River Road, on one side of the road only.
100k, 50 Mile, 40 Mile Start Line
Driving directions to Cascade Recreation Area, located off Hwy 3, 30 min west of Manning Park Resort. Please park in the first parking lot and walk over to the second for aid station or start line.
Hope Pass Aid Station
Driving instructions to Hope Pass Aid Station
This aid station is accessed using the Whipsaw Forest Service Road, which is a gravel road. 4 wheel drive is not necessary, however vehicles with very low clearance may experience some difficulty. Stay on the main road the entire way to the aid station. Park along one side of the road only to ensure access. Please respect all parking signs and volunteers.
Blackwall Aid Station
Driving instructions to Blackwall Aid Station . Follow the road up the mountain across Hwy 3 from Manning Park Resort past Cascade Lookout. Part of the road is a gravel road but 4 wheel drive is not necessary. Please respect speed limits and watch for runners along the road.
Windy Joe Aid Station
Driving instructions to Windy Joe Aid Station
No Crew Parking at the aid station. No parking along Gibson Pass Road. Please park at Manning Park Resort and walk 1km/15 min to the aid station. Drop-off is permitted.
Strawberry Flats Aid Station
Driving instructions to Strawberry Flats Aid Station. Follow Gibson Pass Road past Lightning Lake Day Use Area towards Strawberry Flats. Park in designated parking spots.
Finish Line
Driving instructions to Finish Line (Lightning Lake Day Use Area). Follow Gibson Pass Road to Lightning Lake Day Use Area. Please respect all no-parking areas as well as designated pet areas.
Driving instructions can also be accessed by clicking on the waypoints on the racer's Google Map or on the Gaia Map (click view, scroll down to see each aid station and click on which one you want instructions to). From both of these options you are able to download the instructions from your desired starting point, download the map, or send instructions to your phone to help you navigate.
Please note that the driving directions are only accurate for the CREW ACCESSIBLE aid stations. Also note aid station locations do NOT have internet or cell phone service so you will need to start navigation before you leave cell phone reception.